All i can think about is spring and sunshine. Sunbathing, swimming in a lake, reading a book in hammock, eating strawberries and just being adorable. Yup, that's kind of my goal right now. In the mean time - hugging the friends, kissing a boy i like, watching the movies, going for a walk, sharing responsibilities, working and talking with youngsters, preparing food for lots of people, travel through the land just for the weekend, writing master thesis... life seems busy when you look at it from the side. But the thing is - there is always time for myself and for the ones i love. And it's a lot about the attitude i have about the world.
Weekends like this makes me happy. Especially when i don't even remember when i had two days only for myself. Meeting friends, going to the pool, making salads, cleaning the house - all the small things which makes me happy. I could also describe it as a desperate housewife lifestyle, but when it happens so rarely that i start to miss it - it's nothing else but valuable time. And the sunshine... magic sunshine...
I want tulips. Lots and lots of tulips.
Let's go for a walk. And baby, i miss you.
Labai grazus man sitas tavo irasas:)